Sunday, January 26, 2020

The British Empire in Africa

The British Empire in Africa How far do you agree that changing attitudes to Empire within Britain explain both expansion and the dismantling of British imperial power in Africa? The British Empire began to expand into Africa in 1880 and by 1913 the empire had control over 458 million people and 25% of the worlds land. However by 1981 the British Empire had come to an end after it could no longer afford the maintenance of such a big Empire. British involvement in Africa was a period that saw many changes, some economic, some international and political changes, which in turn led to many adjustments in Africa itself. In turn these changes affected attitudes of the British government and public opinion and undoubtedly influenced key decisions about both expansion and dismantlement in Africa. Britains first intervention in Africa occurred in Egypt. Egypt was part of the Turkish Empire in 1882 but discontent lead to national revolts that scared Britain. Following the purchase of the Suez Canal shares in 1875, British financial and trading interests had grown in the area. Britain could not allow her investments in Egypt jeopardized, as Egypt was a vital route to India. As a consequence of trying to protect these investments Britain occupied Egypt for 40 years longer than anti imperialist Gladstone had hoped. This resulted in further territorial control for Britain; unconsciously Gladstone had expanded the British Empire and ignited the change from informal rule to formal occupation in North Africa. This was all necessary as it was done to protect economic interests of the empire, as well as securing the route to India. The expansion into the Sudan was comparable to that of Egypt as it was unintentional. Once again Britain got drawn in due to an uprising in the area. Gladstones first initiative was to put down this unrest as he sent General Gordon who was an experienced and valued soldier to evacuate British and Egyptian nationals from the Sudan to prevent any harm from occurring to them. In spite of this General Gordon disobeyed these orders with an intention of acquiring more land for the empire, resulting in his team and himself getting slaughtered two days before a British force was sent to help them. Expansion of the empire at this point was coincidental and unanticipated as the expansion in North Africa was the outcome of an unplanned policy to exploit economic benefits and ensure stability in the regions to care for British economic interests. However it was a turning point in attitudes towards Africa as the occupation of Egypt resulted in the scramble for Africa between European powers. Expansion remained informal . However Men on the spot such as Cecil Rhodes, George Goldie and Sir William McKinnon influenced the central government and built their own success through shipping trade and selling natural resources. Britain wanted the West Coast of Africa for its palm oil. The palm oil resources of West Africa were appealing as palm oil was used as an industrial lubricant and was the base for soaps and candles. However this involvement was not one of formal rule but rather informal trade. It is significant that Britain was only involved for economic reasons and did not posses any ideology of expanding to the west. Britain took control of West Africa simply because the region was unstable due to local resistance and interests of other European powers. In 1885 Chamberlain sent in a British force to support George Goldie in order to secure the region for British interests against both the Ashanti and the French John Gallagher and Ronald Robinson, in their review of The Imperialism of Free Trade, Vol. VI, no. 1 (1953) emphasise the economic importance of informal empire to the British government. Nevertheless Britain was in a dilemma, as it could no longer conform to its informal rule if other European powers established their control over West Africa. This resulted in further reluctant expansion and increased support for men on the spot, as Britain could not allow other European countries to control land in West Africa, which could threaten their trade interests. Britain was once again driven into East Africa due to trade benefits and fear of European rivals, immense competition from Germany resulted in Britain giving support for McKinnon to establish the East Africa Company to combat the German East Africa Company. The change in the governments attitudes was a result of seeking to save the empire due to the vast competition it was experiencing at the time. Cecil Rhodes was the most dominant individual in the push for British expansion in South Africa. He was a member of the Cape parliament .It was clear that his vision was to expand the empire across all of Africa as he saw this as his sense of imperial destiny. His expansion in South Africa was well planned however this time the British government supported the expansion as Rhodes was able to persuade the British government to grant a charter to form the British African company. This was a transformation as the central government was supporting this expansion to South Africa, it was Joseph Chamberlain who encouraged Rhodes in acquiring more land. The government actively supported him, as they needed to prevent other European power from having influence and power in the area and also they realized the massive economical benefits of South Africa. This led to a disagreement between the Boers who were descendants of the Dutch settlers in South Africa and the British. The Boers resented the policies of Joseph Chamberlain, which they thought he would remove their chance of independence and also they loathed the British for taking their natural resources like gold and minerals. Thus with equipment from the Germans the war between the Boers and the British had flared. This war would have damaging effects on both sides as the Boers land got destroyed and many were sent to horrendous concentration camps, but the repercussions of this event would have a profound effect on the dismantling of the Empire as British view on empire changed and the general public were starting to doubt if the empire was morally good for Africa and opinions shifted away from the previous acceptance and pride felt by many in the country. The expansion into South Africa made the British Empire seem weak as she was asserting power on undeveloped people. During World War one the African colonies played a major part in the war effort and their resources were much needed by Britain. At this point there was a change within the British Empire as the value of its colonies became apparent. After WW1 the metropolitan attitudes to empire changed, as many politicians believed that the empire was solely based around economic interests and partnership. This was enforced greatly following WW1 as Britains economic situation had worsened and national debts had increased to a staggering $4000 million, which meant undoubtedly the help and cooperation of the colonies was needed. At this point the empire was becoming an economic burden on the government, as the cost of war was unbearable, this contributed to the decline of the empire. WW2 had the same economic impact on the empire as it weakened it from its foundations which then resulted in Britain losing her position as world leader due to no longer being economically capable of handling such a empi re. Britain wanted to influence post war developments in Africa so that it was beneficial to metropolitan investors however this was not able to occur due to the increased nationalism in African colonies such as Kenya, were the Mau Mau rebelled against British occupation and rule. Revolts by the Mau Mau made investors in 1950 unenthusiastic about investing in the area. Consequently this lead to nationalist pressure in the push forward for independence. Robert Tignor in Capitalism and Nationalism At the End of Empire: State and Business in Decolonizing Egypt, Nigeria, and Kenya, 1945-1963 (1998) argues that it was neither foreign nor local business that were key players but this national movement that contributed to the dismantlement of the British empire. A direct impact of the economic failures experienced by Britain after the world war was that it helped fuel national movements such as the Mau Mau. As new ideas of self-determination and international climate attitude become more appare nt after World War I and World War 2. This then reinforced the anti-imperial trend and encouraged growth in nationalism in Africa as the colonies began the push for independence. This then hastened the dismantlement of the British Empire. The rate of decolonisation was drastically accelerated because of the Suez crisis of 1956. Due to Nasser nationalizing the Suez Canal Britain and France invaded Egypt with the hope of replacing Nasser and taking control of the canal. These actions had a massive backlash on British prestige as the United States condemned their actions. Subsequently it resulted in the British withdrawing from Egypt, which highlighted Britains fragileness. This turn in the balance of power scared Eden, as he still believed there was space on the world stage for the British Empire however he was mistaken, as the Suez crisis was the last straw in British imperialism as it changed the balance of world power considerably. Britain was no longer the dominant power and consolation and approval from the United States was needed before the government could take any major decisions. This was a major blow to the empires reputation and power, this loss of faith accelerated the dismantlement of the British Empire. T his was seen through the change in politics in London as Eden resigned and a new modern Prime Minster was appointed. Harold Macmillans modern and progressive prospective would accelerate the decolonisation of Africa, as unlike Eden he did not support imperialism and realized that the empire could no longer deliver the same economic benefits as before. Macmillans shift in political opinion resulted in him addressing the South African parliament in 1960 with his wind of change speech. This speech would have a huge impact on the decolonisation of the empire as it was seen as an indication that the central government had accepted that Britain could no longer have imperial possessions. This was apparent in the rapid granting of independence for the African colonies.[1] Libya gained independence in 1951 and Egypt in 1952 and were the first African nations to gain independence. In 1957 Ghana was the first country south of the Sahara to gain independence. This period in time marked a quick decolonisation as indicated by the attached map, as fourteen African countries gained their independence in 1960. By 1966, all but six African countries were independent and the dismantlement in these countries would be different as it was not rapid but prolonged. One of these countries was Zimbabwe, which was previously known as Rhodesia, it was a settler colony and the European settler community kept the mass of the population, which was African from seizing majority rule. The European settlers. This resulted in aggressive nationalism, which was different to the rest of Africa. Subsequently it meant the prolonged granting of independence as Zimbabwe was finally independent in 1980. Overall the view of empire among the public had changed dramatically over the hundred-year period. Attitudes had shifted from the previous patriotic view of empire to a realization that empire could not exist in the new modern world. This was a result of events such as the Wars Britain was involved in and the dramatic change in international view. It is evident that Britain did not intend on expanding the empire in 1880 and the reluctance of this expansion was apparent in the expansion into North Africa. However, once Britain realized the economic benefits of expanding their territories in Africa imperialism became much easier which then generated wide spread support for empire. Acquiring such beneficial land made Britain very weary of other countries as losing colonies in Africa would effectively result in a decrease in power and influence. This then resulted in the one major continuity in imperial policy through out this period, which was the focus on protecting the empires economi c interests. The dismantlement of empire was fast paced as the empire had become more difficult to manage effectively. Empire was no longer being an economic benefit as it previously was in 1900, but more of an economic burden due to constantly trying to put down nationalism in Africa. The change in attitudes regarding the benefits empire in my opinion resulted in the decolonisation of these colonies and the end of an era in British rule. Part B bibliography: British imperial and foreign policy 1846-1980 (textbook) written by John Aldred. The lions share: A short history of British Imperialism, Bernard Porter, 2004. British imperialism by R. Johnson. Empire documentary by Neill Ferguson. The history of Britain By Simon Schama.

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Environmental factors effecting motor skill development Essay

Child development is defined as to how a child ables itself to complete more difficult tasks as they grow in age. Development is often confused with growth, which refers to a child’s tendency to grow bigger in size. Parents can become concerned easily when a child’s developmental skills take longer then the â€Å"normal† or when pressures of milestones are not satisfied â€Å"on time†. Developmental milestones are functioning tasks or skills that should occur at specific ages. Observing what specific environmental factors influence the development of motor skills in the infant and toddler stages and how that compares to my findings of the children I personally documented, is what will be discussed. I searched for other scholars who have current information and academic research of similar topics finding information that was both, similar as to my own research concluding a main point that the environment of these children have an effect on how they will lea rn. A common topic that has been analyzed in these journals is Gross motor skill development. It is a specific factor that plays a crucial role in the child’s overall development and of course combined with the environment in which the child is confined to has a profound effect to the development of these motor skills (newton 2008) . The aim of this study was focusing on the two main environmental factors affecting children motor development. Looking over the articles it reveals that there are many particular factors within the family details such as socioeconomic status, mother’s educational level, relationships with family and the existence of siblings can also affect a child’s motor ability, Preschools also have became an infuencial part of development for all children but also can be a detriment to a child’s development by not attending, due to the simple fact that nowadays large amounts of time children spend at them so by not having a child go through li fe with preschool would set them back as far as motor development goes. The social-cultural background where a child is brought up from, creates specific demands for his/her motor behavior. Read more: Influences that affect children’s development essay This thought can go with the fact that movement programs are very important for the development as well, such as physical education, especially if the social-cultural environment that the child is in does not require them to be very active. If the child is not pushed or has no motivation to do these  obstacles, that are often taken for granted, then can cause a long term even life altering issue down the road. These are all the â€Å"social norms† nowadays with children. It is becoming incredibly competitive to get into colleges and other type of educational programs and it all starts from these crucial infant years where all these environmental factors that the family contributes too have a say in what a child will be like as it develops. Many of these environments are expected and often not over looked or analyzed by parents due to the reason that the child is so young that these things don’t have an impact on them yet. That is false, the first five years of a child’s life are the most important in developing these motor skills for the rest of their life, and that is a fact that is not looked at close enough by parents. This is a huge developmental problem that has been happening for ever and now that there is studies and documentation proving that this here is correct, it needs to be and is being put into action. All of the environmental factors have some way played a role in the children I observed lives but because of the limited length of paper I will discuss the two most obvious influences. This purpose of this paper is to document the environment that infants and toddlers are in and describe how these environmental factors have affected them. To begin I observed a toddler and an infant but both of the same family. The two children are different ages but similar environments and upbringings. I observed the children in there home environment looking at the situation as a Mother-child interaction first then I observed the sibling vs sibling interactions that the children tended to take a like too. I continued to follow the children on and off for two weeks at different locations and got the opportunity to observe the toddler and infant in both of these settings. At each observation site I sat with a notepad and jotted down how they interacted under these three circumstances and noted of the surroundings environments each time I observed. At the end I had a lot of notes and information to choose from, but the way that I chose what information to use was by organizing my no tes into my three main cases then divided them into infant and toddler. All the situations that most frequently happened for each child i used as conclusive information and discarded the minor details. The majority of the two weeks of observing the infant under these two cases my evidence appeared to be quite on point with other researchers studies. To begin, the mother-infant relationship (parent-child). WIthin my study I found when playing with each other the infant was much more responsive to this one on one play then a group of people. What I noticed was the child did not do as much looking and observing like statistics show or as he did in the other cases. seven out of fifteen times the mother demonstrated what I wanted the infant to do, that involved a motor skill, most of the time picking up a block or a toy car, the child attempted the action after watching the mother demonstrate. What I noticed of those fifteen times all seven of the successful tries were because it was right in front of him. if it was far away he would try with a different object that was closest to him and wouldn’t even notice that he was using a different toy. As for the toddler he payed much closer attention but on the contrary of his fifteen attempts he actually cared that he used the same exact object as his mom. For him I used a test involving throwing of a ball. His mother would throw the ball using different styles such as over the head, two hand, one had, and under arm. Eight of the fifteen attempts the toddler successfully mimicked the motor skill of which hand to use and the style in which the mom threw it, which was very surprising in this case for the reason that this usually does not develop until five or six years of age. The next case I observed was the sibling vs sibling. typically we think of the mother to be seen as the leader to specific child development. However, when the child has siblings the situation becomes much more influenced. (circirelli 1975). A child’s position in the family or sex even of the sibling has a huge influence on the interactions they have. The environment used was once again the home setting but the family has there own jungle gym outside in the backyard. I used this play set to see if these sibling influences can play a role in development of specific skills . Studies have shown that, irrespective of the age difference among the children of the family, the elder siblings lead the youngers’ behaviour (circirelli 1975) and those in turn imitate elders’ movements (abramovitch et al. 1979: Lamb 1978). As I continued my research outside I watched and studied how they  were interacting. The younger infant, surprisingly can walk at his age of sixteen mont hs old. There was a set of stairs that the toddler was walking up to get to the top of the gym and eventually slide down the slide to only continue the process over and over again. The infant continued to watch and observe for about fifteen minutes with no signs of him motivated to make a move or give it a try. To our surprise the infant began pointing and mumbling as if he wanted to make an attempt. He was brought over to the play set, climbing up the steps and eventually we got him to go down the slide. He held his hands on the railings same position as where she did as if he was copying her techniques exact and the influence of his big sister took effect. This whole process took about twenty- twenty five minutes but once he tried it one time, the infant, like his toddler sister continued to doing the routine using similar if not the same route. All in all he was hesitant, the infant waited, studied, and then slowly analyzed the process as he did it for his first time, and then continued to go on with the process as his big sister had been. The infant and the toddler both have demonstrated there developing gross motor skills. These skills are coordinated with many other parts of the body such as the legs and arms and the ability to notice what one is doing and mimic the other is all part of the development of the these physical abilities of large body movements ( Berger, 2009). Reference section 1.) kambas, A. (2009). environmental factors affecting preschoolers motor development. 2.) Infants learn about objects from statistics and people. By: Wu, Rachel, Gopnik, Alison, Richardson, Daniel C., Kirkham, Natasha Z., Developmental Psychology, 00121649, 20110901, Vol. 47, Issue 5 3.) Research Institute MOVE, Faculty of Human Movement Sciences, VU University, Amsterdam, the Netherlands Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, VU University Medical Centre, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. 4.)nicholson, T. (2010, june 2). What can a one year old do?. Retrieved from 5.)Developmental Science; Nov2009, Vol. 12 Issue 6, p1060-1069, 10p, 3 Charts, 4 Graphs

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Professional Development Essay Samples Secrets

Professional Development Essay Samples Secrets Things You Should Know About Professional Development Essay Samples Developments in leadership will cause changes in the ways teachers do the job. Don't assume what customers want, do your research and make certain that's clear from the beginning in your company plan. Those present expertise won't be considered for the training procedures. A Real Estate company unlike any other centered on the mission of constructing a network of career-minded pros who strive to cultivate their company and their future. At first, the achievement of certain expert expertise is the desire of the majority of professionals. However, I knew the value of this and thus made a decision to join the badminton group and have come to be an active and competent badminton player with time. Joining the badminton team has been shown to be helpful and beneficial in a variety of ways. In addition, my academic advisor was very beneficial in helping me to complete all the essential steps needed to starting on my wish to pursue a BSN. It may be needless to express much so far as the topic of the essay is concerned, but on the opposite side, facts are realistic and ought to be expressed at the proper time, long-term goals could be shortened or summed-up categorically depending on the need and urgency needed to accomplish such objectives. Last, outline a plan for how you are going to achieve your aims and earn a difference on earth. In conclusion, it is ordinarily applicable that short-term goals are somewhat more re alistic comparatively to long term targets and ought to be embraced at all moment. The maturation of interpersonal skills as a manner of enhancing improved communication is not only going to enhance the way a person handles the issues presented to them but also boost the efficiency of the projection of suggestions and decisions which have to be delivered at one time or another. The improvement of interaction with different people was one of the principal goals of my PDP. The higher-level structure and flow is vital to understand if you need to mimic their persuasive practices. Influencing factors During the expert placement experience, it's expected that there'll be several elements that will help determine the success of the program. Therefore it is necessary for your company plan to analyse and calculate that risk, showing how you are going to engage with this. The development plan indicates a very clear action program that is tom be employed to be certain that effective learning and comprehension of the competency to be improved. It has been set provider an action plan towards the realization of the set goal. The personal development program is extremely significant in enabling the tracking of developmental changes that are essential for the achievement of set goals. A self-introduction essay is, in most instances, written employing the first-person perspective. Using questions this section of the next documents are among phoenix. We hope that you discover the information we've prepared helpful. The Ultimate Professional Development Essay Samples Trick It follows that someone in a place of leadership or a standard employee or even in the scenario of a family, on her or his everyday pursuits and endeavo rs might have to go through a few things that are a little abnormal or prove to be challenging in the practice of accomplishing tasks along with the assigned duties. It appears to me that the board is attempting to find money from the insurance provider that is not actually justified. In this instance, it's expected that the placement experience will be run beneath a supervisor, most likely a registered nurse who is going to be the guide and the trainer. Furthermore, it's also a means to be sure that the expert placement experience time is effectively managed by planning about what to do and what things to reach. The intention of producing the action program is to ensure a certain region of competency is targeted for improvement during the expert placement experience. In the majority of situations the 2 concepts are merged. The rationale of the expert development program is to narrow to the field of competency on deteriorating patients' health. On the flip side, a great deal of expertise also needs to be involved in order to come up with the desirable characteristics that will end into object and autonomous life decisions. 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Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Modern Existentialism Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche And...

Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche (1844-1900) was one of the most influential philosophers and intellectual thinkers of the 19th century. He is considered one of the founders of modern existentialism, and his works have influenced various philosophers such as Martin Heidegger and Georges Bataille. His works often ran perpendicular to conventional beliefs of his time, and was received in numerous respects. Nietzsche really did not care who you were, or what it was, he had a criticism on almost everything. Most notably, he criticized Christianity, German cultural beliefs, Democracy, and traditional morality. He caused much controversy to say the least. Nietzsche has often been taken out of context and his literature misinterpreted, most famously†¦show more content†¦Although much of his early work and publications were of philology, he found interest in philosophy (which he intended to be his second Ph.D. pre-Basel) and became particularly interested in the work of Albert Schopenhau er and Friedrich Lange (Anderson 2017). His health forced him to take and leave, and ultimately resign his post at Basel, and allowed him the freedom to pursue a personal career in philosophy. He published a book almost every year after. From there, Nietzsche produced the works he is most famous for, including The Gay Science (1882/1887), Thus Spoke Zarathustra (1883), Beyond Good and Evil (1886), and Genealogy of Morals (1887) (Anderson 2017). His health began to deteriorate rapidly over the decade following, resulting from what is believed to be a brain tumor, causing his headaches, nausea, and worsening eyesight. He fell into a psychotic state, believed to be caused by the cancer, and resumed the rest of his life in an infantile state under the care of his mother and sister, where he ultimately died of a stroke due to pneumonia in 1900 (Wicks 2011). His sister Elisabeth took control of his literary rights during his illness and published The Antichrist and Ecce Homo. She also too k his notes and published them in an essay titled, The Will to Power, which was disturbingly distorted to her anti-Semitic and German National Socialistic beliefs. Consequently,Show MoreRelatedExistentialism vs Essentialism23287 Words   |  94 PagesEssentialism vs. Existentialism Essentialism: A belief that things have a set of characteristics that make them what they are, amp; that the task of science and philosophy is their discovery amp; expression; the doctrine that essence is prior to existence While, Existentialism:A philosophical theory or approach, that emphasizes the existence of the individual person as a free amp; responsible agent, determining their own development through acts of the will. Existentialism * is