Tuesday, December 24, 2019

The Resurrection Of Jesus Christ - 1168 Words

The resurrection of Jesus Christ is one of the most debated issues throughout history. Christians place their trust in a resurrected Christ for salvation and a promise of eternal life. If the resurrection never happened, Christianity is a lie and people have been mislead for generations. On the other hand if the resurrection is true, Christianity is true also. This issue is of extreme importance because one’s soul is at stake. If all the claims that Christians make for the resurrection are true, the evidence for these claims must be examined. Equally important, are the claims against the resurrection; they too need to be looked at with careful consideration. Because so much is at stake, the question must be answered: Is the†¦show more content†¦Gary Habermas in The Case for the Resurrection of Jesus calls this the minimal facts approach. â€Å"The minimal facts approach considers only the data that meets two criteria: 1. The data are strongly evidenced 2. The da ta are granted by virtually all scholars on the subject, even the skeptical ones.† On the basis of this approach, four different arguments will be examined for the resurrection of Christ in this paper. The Empty Tomb Only a few explanations can explain the empty tomb: A stolen body, an earthquake, or the actual resurrection. Some believe that the disciples stole the body of Jesus. This is recorded in the book a Matthew. A claim that the Jews made in an attempt to explain the resurrection. If this were true there entire faith would have been a lie. All of Jesus Disciples died for what they believed in which includes the resurrection. This would mean that the disciples died for something they made up In Matthew 28:2 there is a recording of an earthquake when an angel of the Lord roll away the stone from the entrance of the tomb. Some will argue that the earthquake buried the body of Jesus under the rubble, thus having an appearance of an empty tomb. This claim does not explain Jesus appearing to Mary right after this event. Also, if the body of Jesus was just buried under rubble it could still be available for examination. After exulting

Monday, December 16, 2019

Abolishing the Death Penalty Thesis Free Essays

Abolishing the Death Penalty October 18, 2010 Abolishing the Death Penalty The death penalty has been an active force in the United States for decades. In the early history of our country, public executions were quite popular. Thousands have been executed with the majority occurring in the early twentieth century. We will write a custom essay sample on Abolishing the Death Penalty Thesis or any similar topic only for you Order Now But public sentiment towards the executions began to wane as the concepts of basic human rights were being developed throughout the century. As a result, a kind of unofficial moratorium was placed on all executions while several Supreme Court cases were taking place to determine the legality of the punishment. The result of the cases actually made the death penalty illegal as it stood, so several states rewrote their laws, being more specific as to the circumstances as to which the penalty can be applied. The Supreme Court reversed its decision and those states that met the new compliance could reinstate the death penalty. Today, it is legal to execute death row prisoners in all but fifteen states. While it may be legal, it still holds that the death penalty has not and cannot accomplish the task that it has been reinstated to fulfill. Part I: Thesis The death penalty should be abolished for a variety of reasons. Initially, the death penalty has long been held to be inherently unjust. It is considered unjust in relation to its application, unjust as to the type of punishment utilized and unjust as a punishment at all. It has and continues to be argued in court that the executions amount to what is considered cruel and unusual punishment and so barbaric that it should be done away with as a type of punishment. It is a sad but true statement to say that the United States is one of the last democratic nations to continue to utilize the death penalty. Our country has wavered back in forth on the issue of capital punishment being illegal and a breach of human rights. Additionally, even while continuing to use the death penalty it has not shown to be a deterrent of crime and actually may increase it. Opponents of the death penalty also recognize that it has not been applied fairly. For instance, minorities, the poor, and the mentally disabled tend to receive the death penalty with far greater consistency than their counterparts. That cannot be a punishment representative of a great industrialized country. Those against the death penalty also recognize the cost involved with executing a prisoner. To actually take a death row inmate through the complete appellate system, so as to ensure the inmate’s guilt without any doubt, would cost exponentially more than housing the same inmate for the duration of their life. The monies saved could be better served if used towards something positive, like victim’s programs or the like. Lastly, the death penalty is a punishment that is irrevocable; its effects are permanent and there is the sad reality that innocent lives may be lost. There is no perfect system and mistakes are bound to be made. This is one mistake, however, that cannot be corrected. This is why the death penalty cannot be the United States’ answer for grave offenders of the law. Part II: Anti-Thesis Proponents of the death penalty are large in number. According to many polls, as many as 80% of the American population still favor capital punishment. One reason for this is society as a whole believes that if a person kills another person, the killer forfeits his right to his own life. (Christie, 1990). If a person shows such complete and utter disregard for human life, the question is posed, why should any regard be shown for the person? Also, those in favor of using the death penalty argue that it is a just punishment for the crime and it is reliable. After all, though some states are trying to punish people with death for other heinous crimes, such as rape and repeat child molestation, so far the death penalty can only be imposed on murder cases. As far as the reliability argument, supporters will always point out that because of the thoroughness in applying and appealing death penalty cases, the process itself will weed out the innocent and wrongly convicted. Proponents of the death penalty also view it as a deterrent to crime. â€Å"Same old†, 1990). Just by having the possible punishment of death as an end result to a heinous crime has lowered the murder rate in some states. The feeling is that the more executions you have, the lower the homicide rate you will have. Not to mention the innocent lives you will save. Supporters of capital punishment will cite studies showing that murderers who are allowed to live will inevitably kill again. Studies have shown that murderers awaiting their death penalty sentence to be carried out have killed correction officers, knowing there could be no additional fate assigned to them. Another argument made in favor of the death penalty is one of Biblical proportions. There are some activists that say the Bible itself proclaims the right to execute a perpetrator of the most serious of crimes by quoting a scripture from Leviticus 24:20 – â€Å"†¦fracture for fracture, eye for eye, tooth for tooth. As he has injured the other, so he is to be injured. † The old adage has not been lost on those who feel that it is their God given right to enforce the laws that God has given them regarding the taking of a human life. Gray, 2010) Lastly, many supporters of capital punishment feel that it is appropriate to give a punishment that fits the crime and one that is universal. It doesn’t matter a person’s color, race, creed, ethnicity, nationality, gender, or financial status; if two people, one white and one â€Å"non-white†, commit the exact same crime under the exact same circumstances, they in fact should receive the exact same punishm ent. It is believed that the death penalty, when applied under the circumstance of murder in the first degree with aggravating circumstances, is the great equalizer, with everyone being treated the same in the eyes of the law. Part III: Synthesis It is important that the United States realizes, sooner than later, that the death penalty has to be abolished. Proponents want us to think that a killer forfeits his own life. But the reality is all life is precious, regardless of its form or merit. (Thomson, 2001). Although someone has taken a life, and in no way should that be trivialized, it does not change that situation by killing the offender. All it does is show that two wrongs do not make a right. The execution of the murderer does not bring the victim back to life. Quite frankly, the death penalty often provides a way out for the offender and if punishment was the true desire of the sentence then there are situations, other than execution that may be far more punitive than the taking of his or her life. (Thomson, 2001). When it comes to reliability, the argument on behalf of the death penalty doesn’t hold up to scrutiny. Yes, it is true that the exhaustive appeals process does on occasion help to find innocent people who have been convicted of murder. This is largely due to the relatively new innovation of DNA technology as it relates to crime scene investigation. (Gzedit, 2010). Well, if anything, this proves the fallibility of the death penalty process. If over 131 death row inmates could be exonerated and released from death row, that shows just how faulty the system is and proves it is unreliable. Again, as stated previously, once a prisoner has been executed, there is no returning from the grave to say a mistake has been made. At least if the inmate was serving a life sentence and found innocent, they could be released, although still wronged by a jail sentence, but it is a correctable injustice. One of the main arguments in favor of the death penalty is that it serves as a deterrent to serious crime. Would it surprise you to know that this simply is not true? It is a proven fact that the death penalty has not demonstrably deterred crime. (â€Å"Same old†, 1990). The 2004 Uniform Crime Report that was published by the FBI published that Southern states demonstrated the highest murder rate in the country, despite being responsible for 85% of the nation’s executions. (Friedman, 2006, p. 37). As further evidence that the death penalty doesn’t deter crime I introduce you to the state of Texas which has been nicknamed the â€Å"killing machine† because they tend to exercise the death penalty frequently and rapidly. Even with capital punishment Texas has a disturbing murder rate of 5. 6 per 100,000 persons s opposed to Massachusetts, which banned executions and only has a murder rate of 2. 6. (Gzedit, 2010). As for the idea that people who kill once develop an appetite to kill again, there have been no definitive studies that prove this theory. This mindset is based on gut reaction, conjecture, and hysteria. Perhaps one of the most controversial arguments in favor of the death penalty is the interpreted law given by God to exact the same punishment on the criminal as was forced upon the victim. Supporters of this notion quote scripture from the Holy Bible as a sort of guideline to follow. However the Bible also has scripture that specifically refutes the idea of the death penalty as retribution for man to man. For example, Matthew 5:38-39 insists that violence shall not beget violence. James 4:12 says that God is the only one who can take a life in the name of justice. Leviticus 19:18 warns against vengeance (which, really, is what the death penalty amounts to). In John 8:7, Jesus himself says, â€Å"let he who is without sin cast the first stone. This is truly what Jesus would do! Finally, proponents of the death penalty exclaim that executions are given with perfect exactness according to the crime, without regard to race, color, creed, nationality, etc†¦ , basically saying without bias. However, many different studies have show that the likelihood of you receiving the death penalty increases according to those very attributes. People of color are more likely than t heir white counterparts to receive the death penalty for committing the same crime under the same circumstances. Also, blacks that murder white victims are far likelier to end up on death row than whites killing blacks. Furthermore, studies show that prosecutors are more likely to seek the death penalty against blacks than they will for whites who commit the same crime. (Friedman, 2006, pp. 86-89). So much for all being equal under the law! So, as you see, we are a country somewhat divided. While the majority of Americans still favour the idea of using the death penalty, it has become an increasingly more controversial subject. The United States always holds its head up high as the leader of the free world and is quick to condemn other countries with regards to their human rights violations. How then can we continue to justify our use of this antiquated, archaic method of punishment? It is time that our country steps in line with the rest of the industrialized countries into the 21st century and do away with the death penalty once and for all. References Gzedit. (2010, January 27). Pro-death: :America alone. The Charleston Gazette,A. 4. Retrieved October 13, 2010, from ProQuest Newsstand. Document ID: 1948771421). Christie, J. (1990, March 29). At Last, Punishment Fits the Crime Death penalty: It has wide support because ordinary citizens identify with media images of brutalized victims :[Home Edition]. Los Angeles Times (pre-1997 Fulltext),p. 7. Retrieved October 13, 2010, from Los Angeles Times. (Document ID: 60026222). Friedman, L. (2006). The death penalty. Greenhaven Press Gray, L. (4   November). Houston Chronicle Lisa Gray column: Life, death and the prodigal son. McClatchy – Tribune Business News. Retrieved October 19, 2010, from ProQuest Newsstand. (Document ID:  1893533451). Same old anti-crime hype. (1990, October 15). Milwaukee Journal,p. a06. Retrieved October 13, 2010, from ProQuest Central. (Document ID: 64063217). Thomson, R. (2001, June 18). A consistent pro-life stance rules out the death penal ty :[SARASOTA Edition]. Sarasota Herald Tribune,p. BS1. Retrieved October 13, 2010, from ProQuest Newsstand. (Document ID: 74204727). How to cite Abolishing the Death Penalty Thesis, Papers

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Discuss How Different Approaches to Learning Can Affect Student Success in Higher Education free essay sample

It utilized a questionnaire based on an academic text, gathering some students, asking them to read the text then answer the questionnaire. Two distinctive groups were formed: students with high levels of understanding and perfect answers, named deep approach learners, and another with lower level, referred to as surface approach learners (Ramsden, 2003). Later, another approach was discovered and named as the strategic approach to learning (Chin, 2000). This essay recommends the deep approach to learning to be followed as a key of success in higher education, arguing particularly about the advantages and disadvantages of both deep and surface approaches to learning. Advantages of surface approach: The expression of the word surface means â€Å"the top layer of something† (Cambridge, 2009). Students who are surface learners are characterized by mechanical memorization (Chin, 2000), which stands for memorizing facts without understanding their objectives. These students learn only to pass exams or to meet a demand. Surface approach has only a lone advantage which can only benefit some students and not all. It is applicable particularly for the students who work while they are studying or who suffer from work loads such as preparing for academic assignments and doing extensive homework. This can fulfill their need of acquiring a time saving approach that enables them to succeed in their studies. Disadvantages of surface approach: In contrast, surface approach has many disadvantages. Some of these disadvantages can be summarized in five main ways. First, the students who follow this route of learning can not demonstrate the new ideas learnt thoroughly, neither can they relate them with other fields (Ramsden, 2003). Second, it directs the student to be a dependent learner. For instance, if a chemistry instructor asked his students to prove an experiment practically, then the surface learners will depend on their peers’ idea to verify the experiment. If they do not, then they will easily give up and this can be considered as a third disadvantage. The forth disadvantage is that it makes them easily ignore the points that they do not understand. As in the first example, those students neglect and forget about the ideas that were not helpful in doing their experiment. Finally, it brings the learner to forget the knowledge learnt easily and fast (Johansson, n. d). Advantages of deep approach: The expression of the word deep means â€Å"being a long way down from the top or surface to the bottom† (Cambridge, 2009). So, deep learners are the students who search for the full of meaning of the subjects they learn by following strategic ways to achieve that. Deep learners, unlike surface learner, use memorization when necessary but not always. There are many advantages related to deep approach. First of all, deep approach encourages the students to become more interested in their subjects and to have the curiosity to learn further. The second is that it assists the students to predict new information by analyzing recent ideas and connecting them with their prior experience and with other fields, as a result forming a complete image of the task required (Chin, 2000). Thirdly, it enables the students to have high quality outcomes in higher education (Johansson, n. d. ). The last is that it encourages the students to be independent learners (Entwistle, 1990). Disadvantages of deep approach: However, there is only one disadvantage of deep approach, which can be described as the obsession and passion that the student may follow in order to learn everything about the subject being learnt (Johansson, n. d). This can waste time and cause irregularity for other subject timetables. For instance, many deep learners like to know the whole idea about everything they learn, however they are not supposed to know everything, but this obsession leads them to waste time unconsciously. This situation can occur sometimes within the period of final exams revision, which can drive the student to have lower marks than expected for a deep learner. Conclusion: After the classification of the students into deep and surface learners, many universities recommended their students to follow the deep rather than the surface approach to learning owing to its benefits that their students are going to obtain. Perhaps the surface approach is applicable for some students but not all. Nevertheless, the advantages of deep approach to learning are more than surface approach; in addition the disadvantages of the deep approach are much less than the surface approaches. Therefore, by following the deep approaches to learning, students’ success in higher education will be advantageous. References: . Cambridge University Press (Ed. ). (2009). Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary (3rded. ). Edinbrugh: Cambridge University Press. 2. Chin, C. amp; Brown, D. (2000). Learning in Science: A Comparison of Deep and Surface approaches. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 37(2), (pp. 109-138). 3. Entwistle, N. amp; Tait, H. (1990). Ap proaches to learning, evaluations of teaching, and preferences of contrasting academic environments. Higher Education, (19), (pp. 169-194). Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers. 4. Johansson, J. et al. (n. d). Experiences of learning student accounts linked with theory. Denmark: CDIO. 5. Ramsden, P. (Ed. ). (2003). Learning to Teaching in Higher Education. (2nded. ). USA: RoutledgeFalmer. Bibliography: 1. Beckwith, J. B. (1991). Approaches to learning, their context and relationship to assessment performance. Higher Education, 22, (pp. 17-30). Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers. 2. Cuthbert, P. (2005). The Student Learning Process: Learning Styles or Learning Approaches? Teaching in Higher Education, 10(2), (pp. 235-249). United Kingdom: Manchester. 3. Entwistle, N. (1991). Approaches to learning and perceptions of the learning environment. Higher education, 22 (pp. 201-204). Edinbrugh: University of Edinbrugh. . Entwistle, N. (2000). Promoting deep learning through teaching and assessment: Conceptual frameworks and educational contexts. In: the TLRP Conference, Leicester, November 2000. 5. Fowler, J. amp; Wilson, K. (2005). Assessing the impact of learning environments on students’ approaches to learning: Comparing conventional and action learning design s. Assessing amp; Evaluation in Higher Education, 30(1), pp. 87-101. 6. Fox, J. amp; Bartholomae, S. (1999). Student learning style and educational outcomes: evidence from a family financial management course. Financial Services Review, 8(4), (pp. 235-251). 7. Iran-Nejad, A. (1990). Active and dynamic self-regulation of learning processes. Review of Educational Research, 60(4), (pp. 573-602). USA: University of Albama. 8. Kolb, A. amp; Kolb, D. (2005). Learning Styles and Learning Spaces: Enhancing Experiential Learning in Higher Education. Academy of Management Learning amp; Education, 4(2), (pp. 193-212). 9. Prosser, M. amp; Trigwell, K. (1999). Understanding Learning and Teaching: The Experience in Higher Education. Buckingham: Open University Press. 10. Ramburuth, P. amp; McCormick, J. (2001). Learning diversity in higher education: a comparative study of Asian international and Australian Students. Higher Education, 42, (pp. 333-350). Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers. 11. Scouller, K. (1998). The influence of assessment method on students’ learning approaches: Multiple choice question examination versus assignment essay. Higher Education, 35, (pp. 453-472). Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers. 12. Xu, R. (2004). Chinese Mainland Students’ Experiences of Teaching and Learning at a Chinese University: Some Emerging Findings. In: the BERA 2004 Conference, UMIST, Manchester, 15th-18th, September 2004. Edinbrugh: University of Edinbrugh.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

The Balance Sheet Essays - Generally Accepted Accounting Principles

The Balance Sheet Although the balance sheet was first implemented just a couple of centuries ago, it has quckly developed and sophisticated to become nowadays a widely used and powerful tool in the hands of professional users, well known and popular even among the mass public. In spite of its prominence, or may be because of it, the balance sheet can not be easily and fully described in a few words, but still, if we leave aside its various functions and forms and any other subjective factors, we can state that the balance sheet is a summary of an enterprises' assets, liabilities and equity at a specific moment of time. To simplify this description even further we could say that the balance sheet shows an entity's possessions, obligations and others' debts to it. The "objective" point of view however is often too restrictive, and the most simple things many times prove to be rather complex... Among the thousand more complex definitions appended to the balance sheet one of my favorites is the definition given by .... according to which the balance sheet is a statement meant to communicate information about the financial position of an enterprise at a particular point in time, summarizing the information contained in accounting records in a clear and intelligible form, giving information about the financial state of an enterprise and indicating the relative liquidity of the assets, showing the liabilities of the enterprise (i.e. what the enterprise owes and when these amounts will fall due), able to assist the user in evaluating the financial position of the enterprise, being however only part of the data needed by users. Or to summarize this long description with which I completely agree, I could say that although the balance sheet is one of the most outstanding instruments in the hands of financial analysts, managers, investors and other users, its importance should not b e over emphasized, it has to be viewed along with many other documents, and it is far from being the perfect and the "super" financial document. In order to get a more clear, complete and fair picture of the balance sheet, apart from reviewing the definitions given by the experts in this field, we would need to consider as many sides and issues of the subject as possible. Being objective we should have a look at the etymology of the word "balance", the history of this document, its theoretical essence and the basic concepts of accounting implied in it, its forms in the accounting practise. In our attempt however not to become "over-objective" or scholastic, we should also review the aims and purposes of the balance sheet and the extent to which they are fulfilled, the users of this financial statement and their contradictory needs, the negative aspects and restrictions of the balance sheet, and finally the trends of its further development. In short, we have to go further into the matter... The history of the so called financial statements, and the balance sheet among them, can be traced back to Renaissance Italy, where along with the double - entry book - keeping they first evoked to respond to the growing more and more complex needs of the accounting connected with the economic development of the society at that period (expansion of trade activities, development of banking, etc.) and with the transition from the owner - manager model towards limited companies or the breakdown of ownership from control. Obviously these historical events called for the development of new methods and new documents, reflecting the changes. Naturally the word "balance" itself has also an Italian origin ("bilan", "bilanz") though it is formed up of two latin words: "bi" - double and "lanx" - scales. Even from here it becomes obvious that the balance sheet is a sheet or summary of two different aspects of one and the same thing: an entity's financial position. Further to this aspect, we can take a look at the definition of the balance sheet given by John Arnold, Tony Hope and Alan Southworth: "The balance sheet is the most inituitive and easily understood document of accounting. Most of us at some stage in our lives will be required to compute a listing of our possessions. Such a listing of

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Definition and Examples of Spelling Reform in English

Definition and Examples of Spelling Reform in English The term spelling reform refers to any organized effort to simplify the system of English orthography. Over the years, organizations such as the English Spelling Society have encouraged efforts to reform or modernize the conventions of English spelling, generally without success. Examples and Observations [Noah] Webster proposed the removal of all silent letters and regularization of certain other common sounds. So, give would be giv, built would be bilt, speak would be speek, and key would be kee. Though these suggestions obviously didnt take hold, many of Websters American English spellings did: colour - color, honour - honor, defence - defense, draught - draft, and plough - plow, to name a few.(Kristin Denham and Anne Lobeck, Linguistics for Everyone: An Introduction. Wadsworth, 2010)Shaws Alphabet[S]ince the middle of the [19th] century, there has been a long succession of individual scholars, writers and even politicians with strong views on spelling reform and offering a wide spectrum of proposals for change. Why should spelling not be open to reform in the same way as currency, weights and measures and other institutions of society? The main argument for reform is self-evidently valid: that the removal of irregularities in our present writing system would make for greater and e asier literacy. . . .A wide range of spelling reform schemes have competed, with little tangible success, for public approval. The most extreme proposal was undoubtedly the Shaw alphabet, subsidized by the estate of George Bernard Shaw . . .. This was based on the strict alphabetic principle of one consistent symbol per phoneme. The new alphabet could have been contrived by augmenting the 26 letters of the Roman alphabet with extra letters or accents, but Shaw took the extreme option of commissioning a completely new set of 40 letter shapes in which, to a limited extent, phonetically similar sounds had a similar form. . . . The criterion of economic cost, which was Shaws main argument for his experimental alphabet, underpins the system of Cut Spelling proposed by [Christopher] Upward . . ., which dispenses with any letters considered to be redundant.(Edward Carney, A Survey of English Spelling. Routledge, 1994) Misguided Spelling ReformsThe 16th and 17th centuries must surely be the Golden Age of . . . etymological tinkering. . . . A b was added to debt, making explicit a distant link to Latin debitum. The b might be justified in the word debit that we stole directly from Latin, but it was the French who gave us dette, and there was no b in its spelling back then. Subtle and doubt also received their b as an attempted spelling reform. Notice, too, that such is our high regard for the authority of the written language that these days we speak of these words as having a silent b. The consonant was erroneously inserted, and now we accuse these words of losing it!Around the same time as b was being added to debt, subtle and doubt, coude was given an l so that it would look like would and should. The thinking here is even more wrongheaded. Could has no etymological connection whatsoever with words like would, and the addition of l is totally unjustified.(Kate Burridge, Gift of the Gob: Morsels o f English Language History. HarperCollins Australia, 2011) Why Spelling Reforms FailWhy has spelling reform in English not met with greater success, considering the number of proposals for reform? One reason is the natural conservatism of people. Reformed spelling looks strange. . . . [T]he general public reaction is to invoke the adage: If it aint broke, dont fix it.If we take a more scholarly, scientific view of spelling reform other problems emerge. One, English is spoken with many dialects. Which dialect would be chosen as a standard? . . .The second concern is that evidence from psychology suggests that some of the so-called irregularities of English actually serve to facilitate reading, especially for the experienced reader. Experienced readers tend to perceive words as single units and do not read them letter by letter. Evidence suggests that we process the information slightly faster when homophonous morphemes are spelled differently: pair-pear-pare.(Henry Rogers, Writing Systems: A Linguistic Approach. Wiley-Blackwell, 2005) The Lighter Side of Spelling ReformA spelling reformer indictedFor fudge, was before the court cited.The judge said: Enough!Your candle well snough,His sepulchre shall not be wighted.(Ambrose Bierce)

Friday, November 22, 2019

Why Conservatives Oppose Raising the Minimum Wage

Why Conservatives Oppose Raising the Minimum Wage A new Raise the Wage wave has been sweeping the country recently. In California, lawmakers passed a deal to increase the wage to $15/hour by 2022. Seattle passed a similar bill in 2015, and the evidence points to a possible negative impact of such a large increase. So, why do conservatives oppose artificially high minimum wages anyway? First, Who Gets Paid a Minimum Wage? The first assumption of those who want to raise the minimum wage is that these people need their minimum wages raised. But who are these jobs meant for? The week I turned sixteen I started my first job. It was a glorious job that involved walking outside of the largest retailer in the world, collecting buggies, and pushing them back inside. Occasionally, I would help people load items into their cars, too. In full disclosure, this retailer actually paid me 40 cents above minimum wage to start. I met a lot of other people my age here, too. Together, we all went to school during the day and worked at night or on the weekends. Oh, and my mother also had a part-time job at the same place just to make a little extra cash. At sixteen, I had no bills. Although times are changing if I believe MTV’s Teen Mom, I also had no family to support. That minimum wage job was meant for me. It was also meant for my mom who already worked one stressful job and wanted to make a little money on the side doing less-stressful cashier work a few hours a week. Minimum wage jobs are intended to be entry level. You start at the bottom, and then through hard work, start making more money. Minimum wage jobs are not intended to be lifetime careers. They most certainly are not intended to be able to support a full family. Yes, all situations are different. And in the current economy, even these jobs are hard to come by sometimes. Higher Minimum Wage, Fewer Minimum Wage Jobs The process-based and emotional plea of raising the minimum wage is easy to do. Oh, so you don’t think American workers deserve to be able to live comfortably if they are working full time?. Thats what they will say. But economics isn’t that easy. It isn’t as though the minimum wage is increased by 25% and nothing else changes. In fact, everything changes. For starters, jobs become fewer. Make something more costly and you get less of it. Welcome to Economics 101. Most minimum wage jobs are not essential jobs (say, pushing buggies from a parking lot) and making them more costly also makes them more expendable. Add to that the recent job-killer was known as Obamacare and pretty soon you won’t have to worry about minimum wage jobs because there will be very few left. Employers would rather pay one excellent employee $16/hr with benefits rather than pay two inexperienced entry-level workers $9 with benefits. The net result is fewer jobs as duties are consolidated into fewer and fewer positions. The anti-business policies that started in 2009 have proven this point as by 2013 there were 2 million fewer people working than four years earlier, with the highest unemployment rates being in the young adult/entry level age brackets. A federal minimum wage increase is also highly uneven as the cost of living in Mississippi is very different than that of New York City. A federal minimum wage increase would disproportionately hurt business in states where everything costs less, but now the cost of labor costs much more. This is why conservatives would prefer a state-based approach as one size does not fit all. Higher Costs Wipe Out Gains in Income Not only would raising the minimum wage to reduce the number of available jobs, but it probably would fail to make life â€Å"cheaper† for these workers in the long run anyway. Imagine that every retailer, small business, gas station, and fast food and pizza joint were forced to increase the pay of their heavily teen, college-aged, part-time, and second-job workforce by 25%. Do they just go â€Å"oh okay† and do nothing to make up for that? Of course, they don’t. They either reduce employee head count (likely not making their situations â€Å"better†) or increase the cost of their product or service. So while you boost the minimum wage of these workers (even assuming they are the working poor) it doesn’t matter much because the price of every product they plan to purchase from other retailers, fast food joints, and small business just skyrocketed to pay for the pay increases. At the end of the day, the value of the dollar is merely weakened and the ability to purchase more goods becomes more  expensive anyway. Middle-Class Hit Hardest The dominoes keep falling, and now they head toward the middle class. If the minimum wage is flat-out increased – even for teens and second jobbers and retirees who don’t need an increase- it does not mean that employers would raise the wages of their middle-class workers who are more likely to be in a career. But just as the purchasing power of the dollar is diminished by higher prices for minimum wage workers, it is also increased for the middle class who are purchasing the same goods and services. But unlike the lower wage workers, the middle class does not automatically get a 25% increase in pay in order to absorb the cost of higher prices. In the end, a feel-good policy could cause even further havoc on the middle class and small businesses, while doing almost nothing to help those who the law was intended to help.

Thursday, November 21, 2019


MATHEMATICAL STATISTIC AND ITS IMPACT ON LAWENFORCEMENT - Term Paper Example Some areas where statistics has had an impact on law enforcement are; Statistics is employed in conducting survey about the law enforcement agencies. The variables subjected to analysis include the number of state police, municipal police, special police, sheriff departments and count police. The aim of conducting the analysis is to determine on average the number of people served by one policeman. Based on the outcome, significant changes can be effected to improve the number of the law enforcement agencies thus improving services offered to the civilians. The program used to conduct the research is the law enforcement and administrative statistics (LEMAS). This statistical survey also presents other information about the law enforcement agencies, this information include the spending, salaries to employees, levels of employment and departmental functions, based on this information, the agencies can be improved. Thus applying statistics improve the law enforcement process (Bureau of Justice Statistics, 2009). Lawyers use statistical tools for their data evaluation and presentation. In the industrial tax appeals, regression analysis of the sales has to be conducted in the determination of tax. This involves econometrics, computation of variance and plays a significant role in determination of the actual value. Lawyers also use statistical tools to evaluate data and evidence presented to him. Lawyers equipped with statistical methods defend their clients better. Lawyers also use deductive logic to defend their clients. Lawyers involved in civil suits have to use statistical tools to compute interests, percentages, tax, proportions, monetary computations and other numerous valuations involved when settling legal claims. The use of statistics tools therefore aid the lawyers in deducing correct descions as well as in calculation of

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Movie 1408 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Movie 1408 - Essay Example In his famous book on theory of Montage, â€Å"The Film Sense†, he elaborates this process of words turning into images through representations, quoting the poems of John Milton and Mayakovsky. â€Å" Mayakovsky doesn’t work in lines , he works in shots† ( Word and Image --- The Film Sense – sergei Eisenstein –page 62-63 } When a well read story ( or poem ) comes into light as visual images on the big screen as a film, it tends to disappoint the above said readers of the story. For the images on the screen will never match with the images, the above said reader carries with in him/ her self, of the story. Stephan King’s style of writing is such that, he draws out the horror slowly. He never allows the reader to plunge head long into the horror. This style of writing, gives more space for the reader’s imagination and thus for the â€Å"Cinematic Recreation† within himself. Thus Stephan King remains a tough writer, for any film ma ker. More over, short story is often considered to be the ideal literary form for depicting horror. Many writers consider it difficult to maintain the feeling of horror in the reader, over hundreds or more pages, that a novel as a literary form demands. The issue gets multiplied when one tries to make a film out of a horror short story. One faces the risk of ending up with a movie with lots of good patches of horror, but padded up between with lots of dead spaces. It is the absence of such dead spaces that makes Film makers like Alfred Hitchcock and Claude Chabrol, the masters of horror films. One technique used by the Swedish director Mikael Hafstrom, ( who made the film â€Å"1408†,based on Stephan King’s short story by the same name ,in 2007 ) to over come the above said problems of cinematic recreation of the images of the short story, is to confine the space of action of the film to a single hotel room. This gives scope for concentration of the

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Tragedy story Essay Example for Free

Tragedy story Essay A View from the Bridge is a story that ends in tragedy. A tragedy is a disaster or misfortune, which was never supposed to happen. This play ends tragically as Eddie dies because Marco killed him in self-defence. The immigration finds Marco and Rudolpho, therefore the whole family splits up. Marco may be put in prison or sent back to Italy this will make him unable to provide for his family and will split it up. Eddie and Beatrice have brought up Catherine. Since the death of her parents Eddie has been like a father to her. However as she gets older, his feelings for her might have turned into adult love. Eddie does not like the fact that Catherine is growing up and she goes out all dressed up in short skirts and high heels and gets attention from other men. It seems as though he is jealous. Catherine is a teenage girl soon to become an adult; Eddie just cant accept that. At the beginning of the play on page 6, Eddie comments on the way that Catherine is dressed he does not like it and also how she walks. You are walkin wavy! I dont like the looks theyre givin you in the candy store  He says this as though he is concerned for her, like a father. He also does not want her to be so friendly with other men as they might get the wrong idea. These are the first signs that reveal his jealousy.  On pages 9-11 Catherine has been offered a job, far away from her house, she is really happy and is proud of herself. Eddie does not want her to leave and is trying to say things against her working there. He wants her to work in a nice place and also nearby. Maybe a lawyers office someplace in New York in one of them nice buildings.  Catherine is quite upset as she had her heart set on that job. Eddie eventually changes his mind because of Beatrice. Eddie is controlling Catherine therefore he does not want her to move away.  I support you this long  This shows that he is the breadwinner. If he has supported her for this long he will not stop now. It also means that he is the man of the house and in charge. Beatrice realises the feelings that Eddie has towards Catherine. On pages 29-31 Beatrice is telling Catherine that she needs to act grown up infront of Eddie. Beatrice is saying it because she does not want Eddie to get he wrong impression as she knows what he is like. She does not want Eddie to treat Catherine like a baby anymore, as she is old enough to make her own decisions.  Eddie and Beatrices marriage is not going well at all. Eddie never listens to Beatrice whenever she tries to talk to him. She tries to talk to him on page 24 about the relationship but he does not respond as Catherine is on his mind. Beatrice suspects that he has unnatural feelings towards Catherine. On pages 62-63 Beatrice is trying to get Eddie to calm down but he does not listen to her at all. She then tells him about the love that he has for Catherine, but he denies it. You want somethin else, Eddie you can never have her!  Alfieri says in his speech that the play will take its bloody course. This tells the audience that something terrible will happen in the play. Alfieri also realises the feelings Eddie has towards Catherine; he gives him advice not to get to close to Catherine. Alfieri knows that Eddie loves her more than he should. If Eddie loves Catherine romantically, then the relationship between them is bound to end unhappily, because of the family ties between them. Eddie is aggressive with Beatrice and Alfieri whenever they bring this up. The arrival of the cousins acts as a catalyst and all the tensions that already existed are brought to the surface. When Rudolpho and Marco first arrive at the house Eddie is being extremely kind and welcoming to them both but soon after, he is only really talking to Marco. When Rudolpho starts singing he tells him to stop. I think this is because he thinks that men should not be singing the way he does. He may also want him to stop singing because he knows that Catherine likes the way he sings and does not want Catherine to fall for him. He says it as though he does not want the immigration to catch him.  Look, kid; you dont want to be picked up, do ya?  He also does not like it because Rudolpho is spending a lot of time with Catherine, he is jealous.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Disneyland Essay examples -- Disney Amusement Parks essays research pa

Disneyland   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The greatest place on the face of the earth is Disneyland. Nowhere else has the magic that a day at Disneyland possesses. From my childhood to my adulthood, I have never experienced a day at Disneyland that didn't put enough joy in my heart to far exceed the admission price. Rides, shops, shows, and characters. These are just a few of the many great aspects of a wonderful place called Disneyland.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Disneyland has always been a very special place to me. My parents took my family there for the first time when I was about three. To this day I still remember shaking Mickey Mouse's hand, giving Goofy a hug, and meeting all of the rest of my favorite Disney characters. It was a truly euphoric experience to meet stars of all my favorite cartoons that I so loyall...

Monday, November 11, 2019

What I Did Last School Holiday

In the last school holidays, my family and I return village to celebrate the up coming days with relatives. My village is located in Penang. I think this year’s election is more fun than the previous years because of this feast, there will be a meaningful day for my aunt, the marriage ceremony. Men who successfully captured the hearts of my aunt come from Alor Gajah, Perak. Me, my family and relatives happy because my aunt already a men’s wife. Because of the wedding, I and relatives can gather together in the village.When the feast ahead of the first day, me and my relatives went to the mosque as usual to perform the Eid prayers and listen to a sermon by the preacher. There are many important and meaningful knowledge can I get in sermon. I was touched and happy as many fellows Muslim went to mosque. After that, I, my family and relatives went to visit the grave of grandfather, uncle and relatives who had died. The tomb is near the mosque. In this area was clean, quiet and have green plants.For the area are responsible maintaining guardians in the tomb. When we visited the grave will create awareness of ourselves and always remember the dead. We also visited the neighbour house. Due to the feast of the forth day, my aunt’s wedding, so on the second and third election, I and other relatives who are busy doing weddings preparation to ensure the event runs smoothly. We work together to do a job. Thank God, they are so sporting, cool, not resolved and selfless. They are also helpful to one another.Some of the work we all do is updating and decorating the house, cooking, boiled eggs, and packing goodies together. I’m happy with them as in busy condition, they are my relatives still managed to make me and my relatives laugh with their joke. In the forth feast, a historic day for my aunt my new uncle’s recently has come to say, their wedding. The mother of my aunt and also my grandmother definitely felt happy to get law and felt sad too because her youngest daughter become my new uncle owned.On that day, everyone without exception had been given the task to be performed for the success of the event so smoothly and orderly. I and one of the relatives are asks to give goodies to the guest that present at the ceremony. There are many guests present at the event and surrounding quite lively. Thank God, during the event, everything smoothly with what is planned. The feast of the fifth and sixth, I, my family and relatives carry life like a normal person. Sometimes, we also managed to visit interest places in Penang. At least, hat we spend time with seeking knowledge and get new experiences. In the seventh feast, we make trip go to Alor Gajah, Perak to attend a wedding in the house of my new uncle. When all business was completed, I and my relatives back to our own house. My family and I travel to our house at Kompleks Penjara Sg. Buloh. The travel takes in four to five hours. Thank God, our travel smooth and does no t happen something undesirable. I’m happy can spend holiday times with family and relatives. Hopefully, we can go to village and with my relatives again.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Accreditation Audit Essay

With all of the possible problems that could occur during surgery, a wrong-site, wrong-patient mistake is one that should never arise. Nightingale Community Hospital (NCH) fully understands the importance of doing away with these errors and has set up protocol to work towards this goal. While the protocol is in place, it is not fully compliant with Joint Commission (JC) standards. Standard: UP.01.01.01: Conduct a preprocedure verification process. Nightingale Community Hospital has a Site Identification and Verification policy and procedure. Within this policy, and Preoperative/Preprocedure Verification Process is addressed. There is also a Preprocedure Hand-Off form present. This form is a bit misleading as it is essentially a hand-off form in general with a few extra boxes possible for check-off. To prepare for inspection and audit, NCH should create and implement a form for use within the Operating Theater or wherever procedures are performed, such as bedside procedures. This form needs to be more specific in addressing at least the minimum requirements by JC. The form needs to cite that all relevant documentation is present, such as signed consent form, nursing assessment, preanesthesia assessment, history and physical. The form also needs to specify that the necessary diagnostic and radiology test results, rather they be images and scans, or biopsy reports, and properly displayed and labeled. Finally, to fulfill the minimum requirements by JC, any and all required blood products, implants, devices, and special equipment needs to be labeled and matched to the patient. Standard: UP.01.02.01: Mark the procedure site. NCH covers the procedure site marking standard fairly well within their Site Identification and Verification Policy. It mentions that site marking is needed for those cases involving laterality, multiple structures, or levels. Several times in their policy NCH mentions that it is best to have the patient involved, if at all possible. If the patient is unable to mark the site, the policy states that the physician will be called to mark the site. The policy states that the mark shall be made in permanent black marker so it will remain visible after skin preparation, and also in a location that will remain visible after sterile draping is in place. The policy also  includes circumstances in which the marking will be unable to be performed based on the location of the surgery being in an area that is unable to be marked. Standard: UP.01.03.01: A time-out is performed before the procedure. Nightingale Community Hospital has an adequate procedure in place for the time-out performance. Within the Site Identification and Verification Policy, the Time-Out Procedure complies with JC standards. A time-out is to be conducted immediately prior to performance of the procedure, it is initiated by the nurse or technologist, it involves all personnel involved in the procedure, the team members agree to a minimum of patient identity, correct site, and correct procedure to be performed, and all of this information is documented in the record, including those involved and the duration of the time-out. The only issue not addressed fully is the possibility of multiple procedures occurring on the same patient by different practitioners, and in that case, an additional time-out needs to be done for every new procedure. The Communication priority focus area is an extremely important area for any hospital. This is a common sense area that should be able to reach complete compliance. A wrong-patient, wrong-site issue should never arise and is completely avoidable. In 2010, Joint Commission reported that wrong-patient/site surgeries continued to be the most frequently reported sentinel event(Spath 2011).Jay Arthur states that JC reports between four and six wrong-site surgeries per day(2011). The World Health Organization believes that at least 500,000 deaths per year could be prevented if the WHO Surgical Safety Checklist was correctly implemented. These numbers, when compared with the possibility of 100% compliance, are astounding and completely avoidable. Nightingale Community Hospital is well on their way to avoiding these types of sentinel events through usages of proper protocol, procedures, and policy as is seen by the upward trend from their last year of self-checks. With continued diligence and appropriate modifications made, this can be an area that NCH, and any other hospital can be fully compliant in. References Arthur, J. (2011). Lean six sigma for hospitals: Simple steps to fast, affordable, flawless healthcare. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill. Spath, P. L. (2011). Error reduction in health care: A systems approach to improving patient safety (2nd ed.). Hoboken, NJ: Jossy-Bass. WHO (2013). WHO | Safe surgery saves lives. Retrieved from http://www.who.int/patientsafety/safesurgery/en/ [Last Accessed November 5, 2013]. Accreditation Audit Essay A1. Evaluation Nightingale Community Hospital (NCH) is committed to upholding the core values of safety, accountability, teamwork, and community. In preparation for the upcoming readiness audit, NCH will be launching a corrective action plan in direct response to the recent findings in the tracer patient. Background information on the tracer patient is as follows: 67 year old female postoperative patient recovering from a planned laparoscopic hysterectomy turned open due to complications. Patient developed infection that formed an abscess and was readmitted to the hospital for surgical abscess removal and central line placement for long term IV antibiotics. The tracer methodology was employed when auditors reviewed this patient’s course. Many things were done well and right with this patient and NCH is pleased to know that the majority of items analyzed with this patient proved that NCH was in compliance with regulatory standards; however, there were some troublesome areas that we need to focus on. The primary focus area that we will put our energies into will be the fact that there was not a history and physical completed on the patient within 24 hours of admission, and in fact it was greater than 72 hours before one was completed. See more: My Writing Process Essay The Joint Commission mandates standards that are to be met in order to maintain compliance. Standard PC.01.02.03 states that history and physicals must be documented and placed in the patient’s medical record within 24 hours of admission and prior to procedures involving conscious sedation or anesthesia. History and physicals are also considered in compliance if documented 30 days prior to procedures as long as there are no changes documented or the changes in status are specifically noted. (Joint Commission Update, n.d.) A2. Plan Often, rules and regulations are met with disdain and it is usually because there is no explanation provided as to why the rule exists. The rules for History and physical documentation are in place for a reason and are not just to make things more complicated. History and physicals provide  all health care providers that participate in a patient’s care a glimpse into that patient’s health status and immediate concerns. (Shuer, 2002) The information provided in a history and physical paints a portrait for all other health care team members to follow and treat accordingly. Often, emergent situations may arise where other health care specialty providers may not have the time to glean medical background information from patients and/or their representatives and the history and physical then serves as the go to source of information. Compliance regulations can be hard to understand the reasoning behind them sometimes, but if we all work together to make sure that we meet them, then NCH will continue to embrace the core values that we have worked so hard to instill and embrace. The following outline is a corrective action plan that will ensure compliance with the Joint Commission and bring us up to par for the readiness audit. Action Accountable Parties Timeframe Measurement History and Physical Physicians & physician assistants 1. Within 24 hours of admission. 2. Within 30 days prior to a procedure involving conscious sedation or anesthesia. Chart reviews and if requirements are not met, patients will be held in the surgical admitting unit and procedures will be delayed. There must be 100% compliance. B. Sources Joint Commission Update Study Guide. (n.d.). Retrieved August 31, 2014, from med2.uc.edu/libraries/GME_Forms/Joint_Commision_Upd_1.sflb.ashx Shuer, L. M. (2002). Improvement needed on h&p documentation. Medical Staff Update, 26(5), Retrieved from med.stanford.edu/shs/update/archives/May2002/chief.html

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Operating Systems Essays - Desktop Environment, Operating System

Operating Systems Essays - Desktop Environment, Operating System Operating Systems Purpose The first thing I wanted to do for this project was to determine how the computer system I chose was going to be used. I wanted to purchase a personal computer system, with monitor and printer that I could use to do Web-based research. The research will be done out of my house. It will be primarily based on comparing different start-up companies to determine investments for the future. Since I determined that all my research was going to be over the Internet, it was important to find a system that would be fast in downloading different sites and capturing information. I will be running my new system off a cable modem with Internet service provided by Time Warners Road Runner. This is important because it will determine some of the software I choose for the new system. The Operating System Windows The first operating system to be considered was, obviously, Windows. Windows 2000 is being launched on February 17th. Windows 2000 is being called the next generation of business computing. It was designed on Windows NT technology, which should make it more reliable than Windows 95 or 98. Windows was designed to make it easier for organizations to work with the Internet. It has Internet Explorer built-in to provide users with a faster and more efficient Internet experience. It also has support for DHTML and XML. This offers a powerful platform for the development of highly scalable end-to-end e-commerce and line-of-business Web applications. The reason I would like Windows 2000 rather than 98 is because it is geared directly toward the Internet. Windows 98 would actually be more for a home computer. It was developed for easy use and setup in the home. However, since I will be using my PC strictly for Web research, I think 2000 would be the best choice in the Windows environment. Of course, the other Windows operating system to consider would be Windows NT. Windows NT Workstation 4.0 integrates the Windows 95 interface. This combines the ease of use of the Windows 95 operating system with the reliability and security of Windows NT. It would enable me to work more easily and efficiently, and still enjoy the same Windows user interface that Im used to having. However, NT has the reputation of being a business, networking environment, which is not something I will need for my system. OS/2 OS/2 is the IBM operating system. OS/2 Warp Client supports OS/2, DOS, Java and most Windows 3.X applications. It supports multitasking and multithreading and has OS/2 Crash Protection. One review I read stated that OS/2 falls short on gaming and M/Media support (DVD). However, they said it was the ultimate operating system for the corporate desktop. It is said to be faster and more reliable than most other operating systems. However, it has not been very compatible with different applications, which is why it has not been more successful. Since I am very concerned with the speed and performance of my operating system, this was definitely on my list. In all the review I read, it was rated more stable and had a higher performance rating than Windows. It also handles Java, which has been a problem with the Microsoft systems. Linux Linux is a free, Unix-like Operating System (fundamental software) that is developed by a loosely knit team of talented programmers working from all over the world. Linux works on almost every kind of computer, and provides a robust platform for a wide variety of applications. One of the features that made Linux so popular is that it gives the user complete control over the system. The GUI interface lets the user create the look and feel of their desktop. Linux has two of the most widely used desktop environments, GNOME and KDE. GNOME stands for the GNU Network Object Model Environment. The goal of GNOME is to make available an easy-to-use, yet advanced desktop environment that both beginners and experts can use to their advantage. Several programs are available which use GNOME's framework and structure to function, which in turn makes something common for many different applications. KDE, the K Desktop Environment, on the other hand, focuses more on ease of use and graphics. KDE bet ter resembles Microsoft Windows, which many

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

LinkedIn Changes Whats New on LinkedIn in December 2017

LinkedIn Changes Whats New on LinkedIn in December 2017 I haven’t provided an update on what’s new on LinkedIn for about six months. The time has come! As you may remember, Microsoft purchased LinkedIn in at this time in 2016, and there was much speculation as to the LinkedIn changes that would come. We’re starting to find out! I believe (pure speculation on my part) that a lot of the LinkedIn changes that happened through May were already in the works prior to the Microsoft acquisition. Here’s an end-of-year round-up on what’s happened since then. You’ll notice a lot of these items are unequivocally a result of the Microsoft + LinkedIn marriage. Others are in the job search and messaging realm, and then there’s one upgrade to LinkedIn’s video capabilities. I’m curious to know what you think of these changes. Do you think they are improvements to the LinkedIn platform? Microsoft and LinkedIn Integration Features 1. LinkedIn’s Profile Card on Office 365 This feature only works if you use Office 365. Personally, I don’t think it’s valuable enough to convince people to get Office 365, but maybe that’s the idea? Here’s how it works: You can now connect your LinkedIn account to your Microsoft account. This move gives you access to information about your contacts that’s sourced from their LinkedIn profile. By hovering over a contact’s name, you’ll be able to see where they work, what they do, and where they went to school. This might seem disturbing, except you do have them in your contacts list already, so theoretically it’s not too creepy that you can easily find out more about them. Use this Office 365 integration to better understand colleagues, customers or partners. Youll get a good foundation to collaborate efficiently, whether they are within or outside your organization. According to LinkedIn (as of September 25, 2017), integration  with  the Profile Card  in Office 365  was to roll out in  October on  Outlook  on the web, SharePoint and OneDrive for Business. The LinkedIn integration was then to roll out to  Outlook.com customers, with  Outlook  for Windows, Outlook  for  iOS,  and other Office products  following. To set up the 365/LinkedIn integration, just open a person’s Profile Card in Outlook and click on the LinkedIn match. You’ll say â€Å"Yes, let’s go† when prompted and â€Å"accept† in order to view information about your contact. 2.  Desktop App for Windows 10 For those of you using Windows 10, LinkedIn has created a new LinkedIn desktop app  so that you access LinkedIn without having to open your browser. You’ll get real-time professional updates, including new messages, insights on whos viewed your profile, trending news in your industry and other timely highlights on your professional network.† You’ll also be able to manage the types of updates you receive. 3.  Find Resume Keywords with Microsoft and LinkedIn After you select your desired role and industry on LinkedIn, Resume Assistant will use the LinkedIn database to identify the skills listed by other similar professionals. You can then add those skills if applicable. (Need a new skill? Maybe you can pick it up with LinkedIn Learning.) Youll also see relevant job listings, along with details of what the job requires, which can be extremely helpful as you tailor your resume to a specific role. Remember, there’s no â€Å"one size fits all† resume – so use this tool to create a resume that matches a specific job opening! LinkedIn’s Job Search and Networking Tools 4.  Open Candidates Open Candidates is not new, but I thought it was worth including. LinkedIn announced improvements to the feature in October, with the special reminder that Open Candidates is NOT a public status but a private indication to recruiters that you are open for opportunities. Find it in the Career Interests section within  Your Dashboard. Once you turn on Open Candidates, LinkedIn will ask questions about your job requirements that are meant to ensure you’re contacted for positions that fit your interests. On the horizon are â€Å"personalized suggestions to help you improve your profile, as well as unique insights on how much attention you’re getting from recruiters.† If you’re is using these LinkedIn changes, I’d love to hear what results you’re getting! 5.  Who You Know Can Help You Get the Job Networking has been proven again and again to be the #1 way to get a job. Between 70 and 85 percent of people ended up in the current position due to networking. That’s why LinkedIn has made it easy to find out who you know at a company who might be able to help you get your next job. When you look at a job opening or a Company Page on LinkedIn, you’ll automatically see your mutual connections  in the  messaging conversation window. Reach out to the people you know at a company to learn more about the culture, make an introduction, or maybe even learn about a job opening. Taking these steps is absolutely essential for your job search success! 6.  Profile Access: Hover to Learn More On a related note, LinkedIn had eliminated the ability to hover over people and companies to see more without having to click their profile. Now they’ve brought it back! Enjoy. 7. LinkedIn Career Advice Want to be a mentor or a mentee? Career Advice helps connect LinkedIn members for mentorship opportunities. To get started, go to the dashboard on your  LinkedIn Profile  and find the Career Advice hub. From there, enter your preferences for the type of advice you’re looking to give or receive and LinkedIn will recommend appropriate connections. This could be a great way to advance your own career, or to contribute to another professional’s success. LinkedIn Changes to Messaging Features 8.  Active Status on LinkedIn Messaging LinkedIn changes are making it more and more like Facebook every day. Now you can see whether your connections are logged into LinkedIn. Just look for the green dot next to their profile photo, which indicates they’re currently online. Maybe they’ll respond faster if you message them. Maybe not. But it’s always nice to feel like we know what someone’s doing at any moment, right? 9.  Smart Reply Messages When you receive a message in the LinkedIn messaging app, you’ll be given suggestions on how to reply. Some options are a thumbs up icon, smiley face emoji, and phrases like â€Å"Thanks,† â€Å"You’re welcome,† â€Å"Good luck,† â€Å"Sure,† â€Å"Not sure,† â€Å"Hi [first name],â€Å" and many other surprisingly responsive canned messages. Warning: If you click on any of those messages, the message gets sent exactly as is, without space for you to add to it. So I almost always forgo the smart replies and write my own message, unless my response is a simple thumbs up. Use these as you see fit. It’s kind of fun just to see how appropriate (or not) the suggested messages are! LinkedIn Video 10.  LinkedIn Video Sharing videos on LinkedIn has become easier than ever. If you’re on the LinkedIn mobile app, look for the share box at the top of the feed (iOS) or the post button (Android) and tap on the video icon. You can record a video in the app, or upload something you recorded earlier. After you post a video, you can see who’s viewing it and how many views, likes, and comments it’s receiving. These audience insights are in the dashboard section of your LinkedIn profile on both mobile and desktop. Please comment on your experience of these new (and improved?) LinkedIn changes. And hang on to your hats as we discover what’s in store for 2018! For more help with your LinkedIn profile, check out my LinkedIn writing services or my bestselling book, How to Write a KILLER LinkedIn Profile.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Discuss How Benedict's Work Developed Boas Vision of Anthropology And Essay

Discuss How Benedict's Work Developed Boas Vision of Anthropology And Whether It Also Represented a New Direction In American Anthropology - Essay Example This anthropological method is still considered to be highly effective today, as it reduces bias in analysis (Young, 2005). The idea of cultural relativism is also much championed in the work of Boas. Like Benedict after him, Boas held the belief that each cultural system only has meaning when studied as a whole, apart from other cultural systems. The moral compass of that particular culture should not be judged against our own moral compass, because they have to be seen relatively (Herskovits, 1973). Additionally, both Boas and Benedict understood that culture and cultural systems change over time, which means that there is an element of historical relativism found in both their works (Herskovits, 1973). This means that an anthropologist should look at a culture as an entity in both time and space to fully understand the rituals and symbols found within it (Herskovits, 1973). It is interesting to see how Benedict took these original ideas about cultural anthropology from Boas and de veloped them with her own fieldwork and evidence. For example, some of Benedict’s early fieldwork was a continuation of Boas’, working with the Kwakiutl Native American group. Benedict began gathering evidence that, whilst the customs of the Kwakiutl may seem strange, they are intelligible when considered as a part of the whole. This thought was followed on with her own fieldwork on the Pueblo group, found in New Mexico. Again, many of the customs and symbols found in Pueblo culture may seem alien to those reading â€Å"Patterns of Culture†, but Benedict (like Boas before her) encouraged the reader to think outside of their own culture to aid... This paper approves that the cultural relativism which was so promoted by Boas and developed by Benedict has come to be a cornerstone of most academic anthropology. Many academic textbooks promote the idea that a degree of neutrality is needed for true anthropological research. It is easy to assume that all cultures share the same moral and ethical values as our own, but many do not. Many make the mistake of assuming that other cultures are somehow ‘wrong’ for not adhering to ‘our’ values, which ruins empirical fieldwork. In this sense, Boas and Benedict had a huge impact on American anthropology and how it has developed into the scientific field that it is today. Thisreport makes a conclusion that Benedict built on these strong foundations to develop her idea of cultural identity and national personalities, including some of Boas’ fieldwork in her own research. Overall, the work of Boas and Benedict have been highly influential in the field, having been incorporated into the work of important anthropologists such as Margaret Mead. Particularly important are the emphasis that Boas put onto cultural relativism, suggesting that anthropologists need to be careful when examining other cultures to take the culture as a whole without judgement using personal morals and ethics. Additionally, Boas was highly critical of racism within the field, something which is generally championed by anthropologists working in the field today.